Interview - Jules Gardner - The Kind Coffee Co.
Have you been wanting to offer cold brew but just can’t seem to get around to making it happen? Consumers know it and increasingly love it, so how can you serve it with ease? We spoke with Jules Gardner, one third of The Kind Coffee Co. partnership and found it is infinitely simple, thanks to their organic cold brew coffee product.
FFW: What is Cold Brew?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: It is selected coffee that is specifically roasted for the process, steeped in cold water for up to 20 hours. This cold process reduces the acid and lets the true flavours of the coffee come through without any of the bitterness associated with a hot coffee.
FFW: Does yours have any sugar or other ingredients in it?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: Nope, just Certified Organic Coffee and filtered water. Because it’s a cold process and we filter a lot of the oils out, it has a natural sweetness that is normally hidden by the bitterness.
FFW: Why cold coffee over hot coffee?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: Low acid, no preservatives or additives, zero calories and fat. It gives you an option to have your coffee how you want it.
FFW: Who is behind The Kind Coffee Co.?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: Three of us came together because of cold brew. We were all itching for a career change, LOVED cold brew and saw the opportunity in Australia. We saw a real surge overseas and because Australians love their coffee, we thought it only natural.
FFW: Why is the name of your company the ‘Kind’ Coffee Co.?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: All partners wanted to create a company that worked both socially and within business in a way that is honest and respectful; a business that we enjoy and are proud to own.
FFW: What are your company’s values in terms of the coffee beans you purchase?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: We source our beans from suppliers that are kind to the earth – organic and bird friendly (netting to keep birds out instead of destroying them).
FFW: How important do you think organic is to your customers?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: We believe it is very important as we are all becoming more aware of what we consume, as well as how.
FFW: What are the benefits of purchasing The Kind Coffee Co. Cold Brew for home use?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: Versatility, without sacrificing taste! Cold brew takes the headache out of having to pop in to town to get your morning hit. Your customers can keep it at home, at the office or take it to the gym!
It also allows coffee lovers a multitude of great tasting, non-traditional ways to have their coffee, whether it is infused in smoothies, cooking, or cocktails. Cold brew really is an around-the-clock coffee.
FFW: Does your Cold Brew have any typical bitterness to it like some types do?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: No – it has great flavours of hazelnut and chocolate, very smooth.
FFW: Does your Cold Brew give the same caffeine boost consumers want from their regular café coffee?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: Because it’s a cold brewing process, the caffeine content is lower and this is why our shots are 50ml. A normal espresso shot is 30ml. So with the 50ml, you’re getting the equivalent caffeine kick.
FFW: How are foodservice businesses using your Cold Brew in their outlets?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: With our 2-litre option, which is only sold to businesses and not for retail, this opens up all sorts of options for a business. Serve cold brew by the glass straight up or mixed, sell it in smoothies or bottle your own mix (e.g. almond milk, cinnamon and cold brew) for takeaway options. The ease and cost savings for time and equipment are a bonus.
We also sell to restaurants and bars for cocktail mixing – think espresso martini or spiced rum and ginger ale! You would be surprised at what some very creative bartenders have created!
FFW: Is Cold Brew more suited to hot weather or can it be enjoyed throughout the year?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: All year round – whether for your caffeine fix in smoothies, topped up with hot milk or straight up for the pre-gym fix.
FFW: Apart from restaurants and cafes, where would you like to see your Cold Brew served?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: We have had quite a few food trucks come on board over the last couple of months. But one area I think is missing out is the resort bar – sit by the pool with your cocktail or cold brew and soda water mix! Perfect!
FFW: How about cruise lines, airlines and hotel mini bars?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: Oh yes – we’re working on these as it’s a perfect caffeine fix in a bottle! No mess and easy to serve!
FFW: How about Cold Brew shots in vending machines?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: Definitely! There really is no limit!
FFW: What trends have you noticed in recent times about coffee?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: Coffee really has become such a part of our day to day lives over the last few years in various forms – cold brew, coffee scrubs, cafes being rated on their coffee, great coffee outlets opening where there was none before. Having returned to the northern NSW/Gold Coast area from Melbourne for the business, the amount of great coffee options up here now is enormous!
FFW: Can you tell us a little about your customer service?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: We like to work with our customers and what they need. We offer free trials for tastings, signage, staff knowledge and incentives, as well as promotion via social media, etc.
FFW: How do you feel about decaf?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: There is certainly a need for this, as with a lot of products some customers really have an allergy or intolerance to it. Me – I can drink a cup in bed and sleep soundly with no after affects, but I have met some people who say it can disrupt them for days.
FFW: How do you enjoy your Cold Brew?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: Traditionally I’m a long black drinker, so my cold brew of choice is cold brew, soda water and a good squeeze of lime. The sweetness of the coffee and the touch of salt with the soda water is so refreshing. But then when I’m failing and feeling in need of a kick, I have lemonade instead of soda water. Weird I know but that combination of sugar and caffeine and I’m off!
FFW: What would you say is The Kind Coffee Co.’s brand personality?
THE KIND COFFEE CO: Our mission is “Be Cool, Be Kind”! Not the Fonzie cool but cool in the way we interact. So I would say honest, friendly and a bit cheeky!
It doesn’t get any easier than this. The Kind Coffee Co.’s Organic Cold Brew Coffee is ready to serve in bars, restaurants, cafes and other foodservice outlets, and ready to put front and centre in your display fridge or help-yourself fridge. For more information or to place an order, contact them today via the form below.