Why Choose Ready Cafe Foods? Yummy Direct - Wholesale Cafe Suppliers
Why on earth would you go to all the expense and effort of making your own cakes, slices, desserts and other sweet and savoury treats in-house when you can get it all delivered by Yummy Direct?
Let’s face it, you’ve got tons of work to do keeping your customers happy, training your staff, doing your accounts and planning menus. Do you really want to be baking up a storm in your kitchen? Do you have the time? The expertise? The truckload of ingredients? The inclination?! The wonderful news is, you don’t have to do any of that. And yet, you can still offer your customers magnificent sweet and savoury foods with high end presentation and outstanding flavours.
Yummy Direct will deliver everything you need, conveniently frozen so that you can store it for a much longer period and take it out as required. You can purchase whole cakes or individual serves, a huge array of muffins, slices, cupcakes, brownies, tarts, petits fours and desserts … and every product will make you look as good as if you’d created them in your very own kitchen.
Time savings
Baking is time-consuming. It can keep your ovens busy for hours on end and if your recipe requires pastry, then you’ll need to add time on for mixing, resting, refrigerating and so on. Spare your staff the prep and baking time and keep them focused on plating and serving.
It’s not always as straightforward as it may seem, is it? Baking can be fraught with all kinds of variables that can turn would-be light and fluffy cupcakes into diabolical cake-shaped rocks. You’re dealing with humidity, ambient temperatures, busy equipment and other roadblocks that can cause you to turf your work in the bin. Unless your staff are well-versed in baking, piping and cake decorating, wouldn’t it be so much better to buy your sweet treats in, ready-made?
When was the last time you were able to churn out twelve different flavours of anything in one go? When you buy from Yummy Direct, that’s what you can do! Never mind one chocolate cake … how about five different types of chocolate cake? Expand your menu with zero extra effort, just by stocking a broad range of temptations.
Dietary considerations
Ok so you have your gluten free customers, your vegetarians, your low fat people and your nut-free and dairy-free customers. How can you keep up with all those intolerances, choices and allergies? Simple! Yummy Direct offers many different sweet and savoury foods that will accommodate your customers’ dietary requirements.
Minimise waste
When you bake in larger quantities, the last thing you want to do is throw food out if it doesn’t get purchased. Yummy Direct delivers your orders frozen and you can pop them in your freezer or cold room depending on how soon you want to use each product. Because the foods are manufactured in commercial kitchens, they can be snap frozen to lock in flavour and prevent spoilage.
You can still customise
No one has to know that you didn’t DIY your sweet and savoury foods. You can decorate, garnish or embellish any way you like and make every creation your own. Jazz up your desserts with whipped cream, coulis, fudge sauces, crème fraiche, ganache or fresh fruits. Elevate your savoury dishes to greatness with a small side salad, some balsamic vinaigrette, a petite bowl of chutney or a medley of steamed vegies.
No matter which way you look at it, purchasing from Yummy Direct offers so many advantages to baking in-house. Visit their website now and take a look at all the yummy options! With excellent customer service and a highly efficient delivery system, you’ll wonder how you managed without them.